On 10 December 2020 highly organized event for the international human rights day commemoration is held in Mogadishu in many different by the civil society, federal states and the federal government of Somali ministry of women and human rights development
The PWDs persons with disabilities and the DPOs the disabled people organizations organized jointly event in Mogadishu for the celebration of the IHRD international human rights day in Mogadishu. The event is participated variety groups from the disabilities the physical challenged, hearing and sigh impairment people.
The participants in the event focus issues that concern the PWDs and DPOs in the last years. Which the international community and the government are willing to respond the messages coming from the disability people. There has been complaint made several time in the last years. The government turned deaf the disability people.
Mr. Dalmar from the blind people told the media they need inclusive for all social and political participation in the country where they educated disabled people respected in the civil servant, leadership and policy in Somalia as citizen equal the non-disabled people for the public and private opportunism.
Shiikh Omer Abdi the deputy chairperson of the national disability council told the media they have working the advocacy for the disability people. They made progress in the awareness for the society and the government. We got laws for the disability, put we don’t get support from the ministry of the women and human rights in charge the disability issue in Somalia. We are the national disability council top leaders so far we did not get the rights cooperation and consultation from the ministry. Our rights and role is monopolised by non-disabled actors in the ministry. We call the international human rights defender look the situation of disability in the country.
Mr. Ahmed Dige from the UDHAN Somali visual impaired youth told the media they active in the society, and they want paly role in the civil society organization as DPOs working the education, advocacy and development for the disability people in general and particular the blind people they serve. Our organization UDHAN is established by groups visual impaired youth who have vision, mission and goal to empower the blind in Somalia.
Mrs. Habibo Ali member of the SAFDI the Somali association female disability thanked to the all participants and requested from the civil society, international community and the government to take care the disabled people particularly the mothers with children who are unemployed suffering livelihood and shelter problems
Mrs. Nasro Farah Jamac told the media she is activist the disability she manages five IDP camps and disabled p women organization. There hundred people in their work, she is very sorry who the humanitarian aid working deal in the flied. The discriminated for their disability in the beneficiary registration. The IDP camp for the disabilities are excluded from the registration and the data entry
Mr. Abdullahi Hassan the chairperson of the Somali disability cluster and member of the national disability council to the media there are more DPOs disabled people organization in the country, who discriminated the partnership for the donor in the grant competition for their disability, the federal state and the federal government of Somalia did not make any quota the humanitarian, education, employment program in the country. The ministry of the women and human rights deliberately dismissed the cooperation the DPOs and the disabled people scholars.